Make success the only option

The success of any endeavor starts with the leader and ultimately comes down to their ability to get a team of people to embrace this same risk mindset. The challenge is that most organizations are filled with people that have a lot of well-practiced resistance to risk and failure. And despite the best efforts of mostContinue reading “Make success the only option”

Failure is learning

The Oxford dictionary defines failure as a lack of success. It is a simple, factual statement, yet for many people, it also comes with a multitude of negative emotions. Because of these emotions, we attempt to avoid failure at all costs. Yet the most successful people have something in common They are aware of the manyContinue reading “Failure is learning”

Surround Yourself With Motivated People

This goes back to the positive environment point, You need to be around with others who are just ambitious as you. American entrepreneur John Rohn once said, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with it.” And whether or not that’s true is debatable, the reality is being around theContinue reading “Surround Yourself With Motivated People”

Get comfortable with risk

Most people have been trained to limit risk in an effort to avoid failure, but what you really should be doing is embracing risk so that you become unafraid of failure. Former U.S. President Barack Obama described this concept in an interview about how he became a better president over time by saying: “You lose fear… You’re notContinue reading “Get comfortable with risk”

Failure is the key of Success

What Jeff bezos and Bill gates learned about failure that made them successful, a common trait of many great leaders, innovators, and entrepreneurs is a risk mindset. They understand that risk and reward are fundamentally linked, and that failure is paradoxically an integral part of success. Robert F. Kennedy described this well: “Only those whoContinue reading “Failure is the key of Success”

New Normal ( Life After Lockdown)

The COVID-19 pandemic is considered as the most crucial global health calamity of the century and the greatest challenge that the humankind faced since the 2nd World War. In December 2019, a new infectious respiratory disease emerged in Wuhan, Hubei province, China and was named by the World Health Organization as COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019).Continue reading “New Normal ( Life After Lockdown)”

My Learnings from the book :- “Ignited Minds”

Reading book is very good habit, I started my reading journey 3 years ago when one of my close friend suggest me to read every day, My friend suggest me to read “You Can Win” Which is one of the famous book by Shiv Khera this book is to engaging, I learn many things fromContinue reading “My Learnings from the book :- “Ignited Minds””

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